Our services

Web Apps

What is a Web App

Web apps are the modern form of software and replace desktop applications. They run in the browser and can be accessed from all devices via a URL. Web apps always have a client (browser) that communicates with a server. Data is stored centrally on the server.

When does a web app make sense?

We recommend the development of a web app in most cases. If the app is to be accessed from PCs or mobile devices (possibly at different locations), a web app is usually the right choice.

Advantages of web apps


All data is stored centrally on a server. This allows several users to work on the same data record at the same time. The data is structured and can be reused.


The app can be accessed from anywhere in the world and from any device with a browser. For example, you can use the app in the office on a PC or on the construction site on a tablet.


We provide the app for you in the cloud, you do not need to worry about the server and IT infrastructure and can obtain the software from us as a ready-made solution.

Use Cases

Replacement for Excel/Access

A classic use case is the replacement of an Excel file or an Access app with a web application. If the team is growing, performance is poor or several people are working at the same time, this often makes sense. The advantages are less susceptibility to errors and a central data basis.

Primary data

A web app can also be used to collect data, which is often useful for controlling purposes or for quality assurance. Data is recorded and stored centrally and can then be analyzed. This allows processes to be optimized, for example.


The central storage of data makes it possible to evaluate and generate statistics. The data can be visualized using dashboards and graphics. This gives employees a valuable insight into the company (live or retrospectively).


Communication with stakeholders is often a challenge. Web apps are well suited to make this easier. For example, a login can be created for customers where data can be exchanged. This allows old workflows via Word or Excel to be replaced.

Individual solutions

For very individual processes and requirements, a web app can be used to develop a tool specifically tailored to the company. Individual solutions are often the start of innovation in the company or in the industry.


Do you have an idea or already a planned project? Then feel free to contact us!

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