Our website shines in new splendor! At first glance you can see a fresher and more modern design, but behind the scenes just as much has changed. We now use more modern web technologies - a headless CMS with a static site generator. This combination has become more and more common in the last few years and offers decisive advantages in the areas of performance and security.

The new design
With the new design, it was important to us to keep the site as clear and simple as possible. We also used a new color palette with subtle blue tones. We also added animations in various places to improve the user experience.
Headless CMS
We are now using a headless CMS as our content management system. This means that the CMS is detached from the front-end, i.e. the presentation of the website. This allows content to be reused in different places. Using the Headless CMS together with a Static Site Generator brings some additional advantages. Every time a change is made to the content, for example a new post is posted, the Static Site Generator automatically generates the website files, which are then transferred to the web server.

Here you can see a screenshot of our CMS Strapi. Strapi is an open source CMS that can be highly customized. We have customized the CMS specifically for our content types (news articles and success stories).

Here you can see the performance score of the Google Lighthouse Report. Due to our modern implementation, the user benefits from lightning-fast loading times, because there is no CMS in between that has to generate the page first. Another advantage is security. Since only static files and no CMS are openly available on the Internet, there is a smaller attack surface for potential attackers.